Friday, October 1, 2010

Voting is an I'm Honoring a Voter

The Hotel New Hampshire

Dixville Notch New Hamphire, November 2000, at 11:59 pm, 102 year old Neil Tillotson stood staring at his watch.
At the stroke of midnight, Mr. Tillotson cast his ballot. Much as he had in every election for over forty years. He was followed by every other registered voter in his little hamlet ,20 miles from the Canadian border. At 12:01 all 26 votes had been cast, and a minutes or two later , all had been counted.

Neil Tillotson started this tradition in 1960. Until his death at the age of 102, Mr. Tillitson , was the first voter to cast his vote in every election , and primary election, in the entire country. 

The voting would take place in the Grand Ballroom of the Balsams Hotel (pictured above). It's a scene that seems taken right out of a John Irving novel. 

I can just imagine the lively political discussions and energy generated by this small group of citizens.
Gathering at midnight , and exercising their most sacred trust, as citizens. While the rest of the country would be waking up on an election day, to wait in lines, watch the polls and listen to the endless speculation from the ceaseless talking heads, these 26 citizens could sleep in. Their job done. 

Last Nights Forum

"An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight......" 
                                                                                                                                       -Thomas Jefferson

Following last nights "Feet to the Fire" Candidate Forum, one statement really stood out.
It was a comment made by NB Council candudate Rush Hill ," Government is made by those people who show up". I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, the cards are stacked against most of us.

Unless you have the time, or are paid to play in the mudhole, politics on all levels is just too time consuming to grasp. Too often, we just rely on the opinions of those we trust , or feel comfortable with to tell us how to exercise our most important right in a self governing society. The sad fact is , most information is professionally crafted to sway low information voters. The rising level of distrust and futility felt by voters, from all political persuasions, is a calculated result. Most politicians don't want the voters to understand what they are doing. It makes the entire process much easier for them when we are just told how to think. They prey on our fears, they distract us with shiny promising sound bites, and they demoralize us with bad compromises.  

Keep your hands off my Medicare and Social security!

Or so it seems.........

Actually, most politicians I talk to want the public engaged. They are looking for input , and suggestions on how we want to be governed. Yes, there are those politicians who would rather tell us how we SHOULD be governed, but for the most part the opposite is true. I'm guilty of deriding others in the past for waiting to see which way the crowd is walking, so that they can grab a banner , run in front, and yell, Follow Me!".
The real fact is, we are self governing.

How can we exercise that practically in our busy world?

This is my proposal....

The Westside Costa Mesa Community Group needs a local race caucus

There are plenty of forums, editorial pages, endless phone calls, and wasteful mailers.
What is needed , for those awash in the info deluge , is consensus.

Friends, neighbors, co-workers, all meeting together at one gathering to make an endorsement ...collectively.

We debate, dissent, and decide.  At the end we go into the corners to stand for our candidates. The one with the most supporters gets the support. 
At the end of the day,The Westside has a voice.
We give them the banner and tell them in what direction we want to go. 

It's not perfect. It's not a cure-all. It's a messy, unscientific, kabuki theatre-like experiment.
In other words, it's pure Democracy.

I think Neil Tillotson would heartily approve.

Look for the e-mail, can't wait to see you there.

The Westside Community Group is a committed group of people who live and love our Westside .
If that's you, and you'ld like to be a part , us @